The Humber Mouth - Hull Literature Festival 2000 - Thursday 9th November - Sunday 19th November 2000
Festival Links

Festival Artists

ArtLink ExchangeArtLink Exchange
The ArtLink ExChange aims to provide quality artistic and cultural activities throughout the regions of Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire.
Hofnote Music AccademyHofnote Music Accademy
The Music School on the Web.
For further information contact Hofnote Music Academy tel (01482) 228483
or find them on the internet
Hull Time Based Arts
Hull Time Based ArtsPioneering media arts organisation with a growing international reputation. HTBA produced events and exhibitions, organises commissions and residencies, education and community projects, consultancy, training, production facilities and the annual ROOT festival of live, sound and new media art

HyperactiveDemonstration and finale of an internet writing project with poet Nick Toczek and children from local schools.
Tom Robinson
One of the country's finest singer songwriters. Front man of the Tom Robinson Band, he shot to fame in the 70's and 80's with runaway hits such as 2-4-6-8 Motorway, Glad To Be Gay, War Baby and Atmospherics.

Wrecking Ball Press Wrecking Ball Press
The Wrecking Ball Press was established by Hull born writer Shane Rhodes in 1997, primarily as an aid to promoting their twice yearly poetry magazine "The Reater".

Yorkshire Arts
Yorkshire Arts Yorkshire Arts is the Regional Arts Board (RAB) for Yorkshire and the Humber. In its role as a regional arts development agency it acts as one of the key sources of funding, information and support for the arts.

Festival Venues

Ferens Art Gallery,
Queen Victoria Square, Hull.
Tel: (01482) 613902

Hull City Hall
Queen Victoria Square, Hull.
Tel: (01482) 226655

Hull New Theatre
Kingston Square, Hull.
Tel: (01482) 226655

Hull ScreenHull Central Library & Hull Screen
Albion Street, Hull
Tel: (01482) 327600

Hull Truck Theatre
Spring Street, Hull.
Tel: (01482) 323638