School Prospectus

1.....School Address / Phone numbers
3.....Chairman of Governors & Parent Governors
4.....Number on Roll
5.....School Classification
6.....Admissions Policy
7.....Visiting Arrangements
8.....Religious Affiliations
10....School Matters
11....RE and Collective Worship policy
12....Special Curricular Arrangements
13....The Organisation of Education
14....Pastoral Care
15....National Curriculum Tests for 7 & 11s
16....Authorised and Unauthorised absence
17....School Discipline
18....Societies and Activities
19....School Dress
20....Pupil Routes
21....Charging For School Activities
22....Road Safety Education
24....Anticipated Changes in Arrangements
26....Date of Issue

1. School Address / Phone Numbers

Ainthorpe Primary school
Ainthorpe Grove
Willerby Road
Kingston upon Hull

Telephone...(01482) 353963
Fax.........(01482) 573021

2. Headteacher

Mr Kent Dewar

3. Chairman of Governors

Mr M Young
Parent Governors: Mrs A Stockton, Mr K Mawer, Mr M Young, Mrs N Hartshorn

4. Number on Roll


5. School Classification

County Primary Co-educational Day School

6. Admissions Policy

The school's current admission arrangements adhere to the published criteria containes in the 1999 Kingston upon Hull Schools Guide.
It is the school's policy to admit children to the school in the September of the Academic Year that they are 5 (Early Admissions Policy.)

7. Visiting Arrangements

As requested by parents or by appointment or invitation.

8. Religious Affiliations

The school is not affiliated with a particular religious denomination

9. Ethos

Our school is a happy and caring school where we value each child as an individual and try top develop each of our pupils to their full potential.

10. School curriculum matters

All children follow a broadly based curriculum which concentrates on the development of skills, concepts and attititudes, advocated in the document The School's Curriculum in Humberside and in the National Curriculum. We try to make our curriculum relevant and meaningful so a planned programme of educational visits are designed to provide the children with first hand experiences. Where possible, we try to integrate subjects into a theme which emphasises the connection between different areas of the curriculum. Some subjects however, particularly Maths and English, are taught separately when appropriate to ensure that our children understand basic rules of grammar, spelling and number work. Our principal aim is to ensure that all children are developed to their full potential.
The Governing Body have agreed that Sex Education should be given in school as a part of a broadly based Health Education policy and have adopted the Health For Life project a a basis for this.
The Governing Body have agreed a policy on the length of the school day. This is sufficient to cover the whole curriculum and allows time for the proper study of the RE agreed syllabus. A detailed policy may be sen at the school.
School term dates 2000-2001:

Autumn : 6 September to 20 December (Half-term - 23 October to 27 October inclusive)

Spring : 9 January to 6 April (Half-term - 28 May to 1 June inclusive)

Summer : 24 April to 26 July (Half-term - 38 May to 1 June inclusive)

May Day: School closed 7th May
Our school is organised into planning units which cover two year groups. Each unit follows a designated plan which incorporates all National Curriculum subjects taught at a level appropriate to the age of the children in the unit. This curriculum plan follows a two-yearly cycle to ensure that children make suitable progression through the school. Great care is taken in planning so that the whole curriculum including Religious Education has balance and breadth. In addition to National Curriculum subjects we also teach about Health Education, Citizenship, Equal Opportunities, European Awareness, Road Safety and other cross-curricular issues. Great emphasis is placed on Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.
Complaints procedure. In the first instance all complaints should be made to the Head of the school. The arrangements for the consideration of complaints under section 23 of the Education Reform Act in relation to the National Curriculum are outlined in the Complaints Procedure Booklet which is available for inspection in the school.
All documents from school, the LEA and the DFE regarding the curriculum are available at the school.

11. Religious Education and Collective Worship policy

Religious education is part of the curriculum and the LEA's agreed syllabus is followed. The teaching of Religious Education is a strength of the school.
The school will make arrangements for parents to exercise their statutory right of withdrawal of their children from religious education. Pupils who are withdrawn from RE lessons will be set alternative activities and may work with another class during this time.
Children meet daily for collective worship, which is broadly Christian in character. THis act of worship is set for separate groups of pupils at various times of the morning.

12. Special Curricular Arrangements

The Special Needs Coordinator oversees all children experiencing learning difficulties in school. Her responsibility is to identify need, liaise with parents, plan curricular programmes, ensure support is given, assess and evaluate progress and liaise with outside agencies and teachers.

Ultimately, however, the individual child's class teacher will implement programmes of work and ensure progression and continuity for the child.

We have a dedicated Learning Support Room and our Special Needs provision is a strength of the school.

Additional help is given by the Learning Support Service on a regular basis.

Education Act 1996 - Special Educational Needs

The name of the Governor designated to have oversight of this aspect of the school's work is Mrs A Stockton.

The name of the senior member of staff having responsibility for the school's arrangements for identifying and meeting the special needs of pupils is Mrs Anita Beer.

13. The Organisation of Education

The children are, as far as possible, in year group classes of mixed ability with class teachers. In some cases there may be mixed-age classes but, even in these, the age spread of the children should be no greater than six months. Children of most ages are 'set' by ability for aspects of English (Literacy) and Maths (Numeracy).

The school has a formal homework policy which is given to new parents when children are admitted to our school.

14. Pastoral Care

Our pastoral care procedures are a strength of the school. Our Special-Needs coordinator holds a 'Classroom Clinic' every day from 9am to 9.30am so that any parent can come along to share problems or ask for guidance and help. Elsewhere in the school all staff follow our child protection guidlines stringently and we aim to creat a 'family' atmosphere in which the children feel cared for and secure.

15. National Curriculum Tests for 7 and 11 Year Olds

Results only currently available on hard copy (watch this space for update!).

16. Authorised and Unauthorised Absence

The total number of pupils of compulsory school age on toll to 28 May 1999=478

The % of half-days missed through authorised absence = 4.9%
The % of half-days missed through unauthorised absence = 1.7%

17. School Discipline

This is ina accordance with LEA regulations and we have been awarded Beaviour Accreditation by yhe LEA. Rules are minimal but these do ensure safety and the smooth running of the school. Information is given to the parents when the children are admitted in the form of a School Handbook. The school has an effective Behaviour Policy and Abti-Bullying policy which is available on request.

18. Extra-Curricular Societies and Activities

These are provided according to the particular interests of the staff. At present there are clubs for keyboard skills, debating, science/environmental studies, recorders, technology and singing.

19. Authorised and Unauthorised Absence

We have achool uniform and details of this are given in the school handbook. All parents are expected to support our uniform policy and encourage the children to wear our school colours. Our governors are keen to see all children in school uniform.

20. Pupil Routes

During the year 1998/1999 pupils transferred to secondary schools follows:

Sydney Smith......62%
Other Schools......5%

21. Charging For School Activities

The Governors have agreed a policy on charging for school activities. This may be seen on request at the school.

22. Road Safety Education

The Governors' policy on Road Safety is incorporated in the school's Health Education policy which adheres to the Health For Life Project (Keeping Safe). This policy is taught throughout the school. In addition cycling proficiency testing for Year 6 pupils is incorporated within this policy.

23. Sport

The school encourages children to take part in competitive sports and teaches basic skills as part of its Physical Education programme. We have representative teams who compete in athletics events, soccer leagues and occasional swimming and hockey competitions.

Our Boys u-11 soccer team have won the Hull Primary Schools' 6s championship.

Our girls soccer team were the Kingston upon Hull champions for 3 years running and semi-finalists this year.

Our playing field is set out for soccer during the winter and athletics and rounders during the summer. A Sunday League soccer team uses the facility during the season.

A netball court is marked on the playground.

Teaching staff organise the netball, rounders, soccer and athletics activities for one hour per week each, after school. Competitive team fixtures take place in addition to that.

24. Anticipated Changes in Arrangements

None anticipated.

25. Disclaimer

The information given in this leaflet was valid in September 1999. It is possible that there could be changes affecting either the arrangements generally described in this leaflet or in any particular part of them before the start of the school year 2000/2001 or in the subsequent years. Parents wishing to contact the individual members of staff or governors named in this leaflet are advised to check the details with the school for any changes beforehand.

26. Date of Issue

Autumn Term 1999

Information relating to individual schools published in accordance with the Education Act 1996 and by Kingston upon Hull City Council Education Committee and on behalf of the Governors of Aided Schools in Kingston upon Hull for admissions from September 1999.