The Humber Mouth - Hull Literature Festival 2001 - Thursday 8th November - Sunday 18th November 2001
Literature Events 2001

THE HUMBER MOUTH in 2001: November 8th - 18th
Details of the festival programme will be announced in Autumn

Opportunities 2001

Last year a dozen locally commissioned projects and events made the literature festival one of the most successful festivals yet.

The City Arts Unit now invites your proposals for imaginative word-based festival commissions to be presented in November 2001 as part of the tenth Humber Mouth Literature Festival.

Please send in your proposal for one of the following:

  1. Five Festival Commissions of �1,000 each
    Open to all arts organisations or groups of artists in the city with proposals for larger projects or events, across any artform.

  2. Contributions for smaller projects of up to �200
    Open to all arts groups or individual artists in the city, across any artform who require smaller contributions towards a project.

The brief for commissions A. and B. is an open brief. Applicants will be asked to show how their project would fit within the frame of a literature festival.

For Festival Commissions 2000 see

  1. Poetry Fringe - �1,500
    An opportunity to organise a poetry festival within the Humber Mouth Festival, promoting local poets together with invited guest poets from outside the city, in a series of events around the city. Proposals from local literature-related groups or individuals only. Previous experience of poetry event promotions would be an advantage.

  2. Critical Eye - �500
    The festival is looking for a writer from the city to preview and review events and festival publications on the Humber Mouth Website. This commission can be shared between two writers.

Please send your bid on no more than two A4 sheets and include an estimated budget for commissions A, B & C.

For a discussions on any of the above please ring Rita Muth on tel: 01482 616876 or e-mail: [email protected]

Please send your proposal to the Festival Office FAO Rita Muth, City Arts Unit, Central Library, Albion Street, Hull, HU1 3TF

The deadline for submissions is Monday July 16th 2001

Last year's festival commissions were:

'Taxi Tales' a photographic exhibition and installation in the Take 5 cafe by Sarah Daniels with ArtLink Exchange.
'John Doe - Story of the Blues' original stage show and blues concert at Hull Truck by The Blues Underground.
'Urban Eyes' multi-media performance at the Ferens Live Art Space by Credo Art Community.
'Time's Winged Chariot' classical concert at Holy Trinity by Hofnote Music Society.
Hospital Radio broadcast from Hull Royal Infirmary by Kingstown Radio.
'Trace' dance/video piece at Wyke College with Leap Dance and Choreography by Mark Pearce.
'Estuary English' video installation at Timebase by Joanna Millett.
'Songwriter' songwriting sessions with Matthew Hogg, masterclass with Tom Robinson and final gig at The Haworth Arms.
'www.women writers working' lunchtime lectures and workshops at St.Mary's Church featuring theologian Sarah Maitland.
'Roy Bailey & Raymond Otto' in concert at the City Hall organised by The Warren.
'Around Robin' original play for primary schools by by Spin Off Theatre.
'Critical Eye' Festival Critic Maggie Hannan.
'Rollercoaster' publication of new writing by service users of Hull & East Riding Mind.
'Soapbox' Debating Societies at the Ferens by some of Hull's secondary schools.

The Humber Mouth acknowledges support from Yorkshire Arts.


Announcing the publication of Issue 8 of Braquemard

This is the millennial edition and is the best yet, with featured poet Douglas Houston, whose collection The Welsh Book of the Dead is published by Seren. From America there are poems by Duane Locke, Michele Scalise and Ben Wilensky. There are contributions from D.F.Lewis, Margot K.Juby, Mike Hoy and Geoff Stevens and many others, all excellent. The writing is accompanied by black and white illustrations.

Braquemard has been going for some years now and has grown from strength to strength but this is only possible through the support of our readers and the quality of writing received.

Would-be contributors should send their best work, regardless of previous magazine publication. Striking black-and-white artwork is also needed - good photocopies only, please. E-mail submissions are fine; snail-mail correspondents should remember to enclose an s.a.e.

Please note a change of address:
Braquemard costs �2.90 including postage and is available from 48 Clifton Street, Hull, HU2 9AP.
Subscriptions are �5 for two issues.

Please make cheques payable to David Allenby

Further information about Braquemard is available on the website
E-mail: [email protected]

Do you write poetry for children?

I am currently putting together a collection of work by writers in Hull and East Riding and want to hear from anyone interested in being published in an anthology of poems written specifically for children. Over the last two or three years I've become aware of many writers in the region who have secretly stacked away some children's poems of real quality and of equal strength to their so-called more 'serious' poems.

I would love the opportunity to gather all this unprinted material in one brilliant book.

There are no limits regarding subject matter, style, or length of poem, though I will be looking for as wide a variety as possible, and the poems should be aimed at the 4 - 11 year old range. I would welcome the material as soon as possible.

Anyone wishing to contribute please send your poems (preferably no more than 6) to:
Graham Denton, 60 Market Place, South Cave, Brough, HU15 2AT