Festival Artists
The Africa Centre
- The Africa Centre, has for over the past 35 years, been the heart of Africa in the heart of London, a unique and dynamic centre. The Africa Centre was developed to create greater awareness among British and other European people about developments in Africa and its diaspora. Over the years leading African artists, writers, politicians and musicians have met in the Africa Centre, been a source of inspiration to one another, and shared their visions of Africa with British people.
- Previews, African Vision,
- http://www.africacentre.org.uk/
ArtLink Exchange
- The ArtLink ExChange aims to provide quality artistic and cultural activities throughout the regions of Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire.
- Silent Scream,
- http://www.artlinkexchange.co.uk
Anne Fine
- Anne is a distinguished writer of over forty books for children of all ages. As well as being chosen as Children's Laureate in 2001, she is the winner of numerous prizes and awards, including the Carnegie Medal and Whitbread Children's Novel Award. Her novels written for adults have been published to considerable critical acclaim.
- Mslexia Roadshow.
- http://www.annefine.co.uk
King Rollo
- "One of Britain's finest acoustic blues performers." - Paul Jones, BBC Radio 2
- Later with... King Rollo
- http://www.king-rollo.co.uk/
- The magazine for women who write.
- Mslexia Roadshow.
- http://www.mslexia.co.uk/
The Poetry Book Society
- T S Eliot founded the Poetry Book Society in 1953 in order to promote a love and understanding of contemporary poetry. The PBS is now a unique membership organisation which exists to keep people all over the world up to date with the best new English language poetry being published in the UK and Ireland today.
- http://www.poetrybooks.co.uk/
Random Stories
- Made with the help of children who attend the Children's Library, 'Random Stories' involves the creation of a computer based video storytelling presentation, where the user is encouraged to choose the direction of the story.
- http://www.randomstories.org.uk/
SEA Productions
- SEA Productions and Animation provides a range of services including digital video and animation production and participative projects to young people, local communities, community and educational organisations as well as arts, television and media companies.
- http://www.seaproductions.com/
Wrecking Ball Press
- The Wrecking Ball Press was established by Hull born writer Shane Rhodes in 1997, primarily as an aid to promoting their twice yearly poetry magazine "The Reater".
- Wrecking Ball Fringe Festival.
- http://www.wreckingballpress.com/
The Writers Guild of Great Britain
- The Writers' Guild of Great Britain was established in 1958. Its mission, then as now, was to ensure that writers of all media are properly represented. For nearly half a century we have been ensuring that writers are properly paid and accredited. The nature of the media industry may have changed but our central philosophy has remained the same.
- Pen to Page
- http://www.writers.org.uk/guild/
Festival Venues
Ferens Art Gallery,
- Queen Victoria Square, Hull.
- Tel: (01482) 613902
- http://www.hullcc.gov.uk/museums/ferens/
Hull Central Library & Hull Screen
- Albion Street, Hull
- Tel: (01482) 327600
- http://www.hullcc.gov.uk/libraries
Hull Truck Theatre
- Spring Street, Hull.
- Tel: (01482) 323638
- http://www.hulltruck.co.uk
Festival Organiser
Kingston upon Hull City Council City Arts Unit
- The City Arts Unit aims to develop the arts through the support and encouragement of creative people. Based at the Central Library in the city's Learning Services Directorate, the unit is ideally placed to contribute to the development of arts in schools, with libraries and the youth service, and throughout the wider community.
- http://www.hullcc.gov.uk/cityarts
Festival Funder
- Yorkshire Arts
Yorkshire Arts is the Regional Arts Board (RAB) for Yorkshire and the Humber. In its role as a regional arts development agency it acts as one of the key sources of funding, information and support for the arts.
- http://www.arts.org.uk/directory/regions/york/index.html